Hari ini sekitar jam 11 siang, tahu2 ada sms masuk. FromPresident RI. isi sms "Stop penyalahgunaan dan kejahatan narkoba sekarang. Mari kita selamatkan dan bangun bangsa kita, menjadi bangsa yang sehat, cerdas dan maju". Wah tau aja pak presiden kalau saya pengguna narkoba :).
Dari isi SMS tersebut saya menebak, sepertinya ini beneran dari presiden ntah gimana caranya. Dari isinya "terlalu iseng" kalau memang sms iseng-iseng. Dari sisi teknologi metoda pengiriman seperti ini pastilah dari SMS Center (bukan dari nomor biasa) dan terbukti dari berita di detik yang saya baca siang itu juga.
However, SMS seperti ini menuai pro dan kontra dimana-mana. Kalau pemilu kemarin saya dapat kartu pos 'salam kenal" dari salah satu kandidat pasangan presiden, saya membayangkan dimasa depan bakal ada banyak SMS "Jangan lupa, coblos nomor X" atau "Pilihlah YYY". Yang dilakukan oleh mr. President dapat dikategorikan sebagai spim, sebuah hama baru di dunia yang makin canggih ini. Buat saya pribadi, bolehlah pak president kirim-kirim sms seperti ini asal jangan keseringan (nanti jadi junk sms).
28 Juni 2005
27 Juni 2005
Bulan Makin Besar?
Ternyata bukan hanya saya sendiri, ada banyak orang yang merasa bahwa akhir-akhir ini bulan terlihat makin besar dari pada biasanya. Apakah memang bulan makin dekat ke bumi ataukah cuma ilusi optik? BBC News menuliskan fenomena ini dalam situsnya.
26 Juni 2005
ech.acarana.com is Closed.
Selain blog ini, saya punya situs pribadi (juga isinya blog) di alamat http://ech.acarana.com. Website ini adalah website utama saya dan dihost di server milik seorang sahabat saya. Sudah beberapa bulan terakhir (sejak akhir maret 2005), situs ini tidak bisa lagi diakses. Saay telah menghubungi sahabat saya itu dan masalahnya adalah ada problem dalam management perusahaannya. Intinya, selama beberapa bulan ini server tersebut akan terus mati sampai waktu yang tidak dapat ditentukan.
Karena terlalu lama mati, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk mengumumkan bahwa situs ech.acarana.com ditutup untuk kurun waktu yang tidak dapat di tentukan. Blog ini akan menjadi website utama saya dan segala update yang terjadi akan segera di umumkan melalui blog ini.
Jika suatu hari nanti ech.acarana.com sudah live kembali, ia akan hadir dengan format baru dan spirit baru, heheh... belum kebayang seperti apa nantinya.
Life must go on. Server mati bukan alasan untuk berhenti. Maju terus ech!
Karena terlalu lama mati, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk mengumumkan bahwa situs ech.acarana.com ditutup untuk kurun waktu yang tidak dapat di tentukan. Blog ini akan menjadi website utama saya dan segala update yang terjadi akan segera di umumkan melalui blog ini.
Jika suatu hari nanti ech.acarana.com sudah live kembali, ia akan hadir dengan format baru dan spirit baru, heheh... belum kebayang seperti apa nantinya.
Life must go on. Server mati bukan alasan untuk berhenti. Maju terus ech!
24 Juni 2005
22 Juni 2005
Aerospace Indonesia Meeting 2005
Walaupun sudah lulus sejak 3 tahun yang lalu, jurusan saya masih menyimpan kontak saya. Hari ini saya mendapat undangan untuk acara AIM 2005 yang akan di selenggarakan di Jurusan Teknik Penerbangan ITB.
Aerospace Indonesia Meeting 2005
Without doubt, one may assert that for Indonesian people the 1997 Asian crisis was the beginning of not just a time of sacrifice and hardship, but also an era of challenge in a new course of development towards justice and prosperity. The situation for the aerospace sector was no exception. Now, 8 years later, the momentum seems to be picking up. It is more than timely to revive contacts, exchange diverse experience and ideas, and identify concrete mutual opportunities in the increasingly global character of aerospace business. The meeting is a bottom-up initiative to provide an open platform for demand-and-supply-driven networking accross the country, the region, and the world.
The meeting is intended for all professionals interested in all aspects during the life-cycle of aerospace systems, vehicles and platforms:
- research, development and marketing,
- manufacturing and production,
- operation and sales,
- maintenance and support, etc.
People from aerospace industries, airlines, airport authorities, MRO companies, universities, engineering bureaus, investment companies, governmental and non-governmental agencies, and research institutes are more than welcome to participate.
- Invited presentations
- Presentations from participants
- Excursion
- Round-table discussion & wrap-up meeting
(Coffee breaks & lunches are provided. On the evening of July 27, 2005, a dinner together will be arranged. Joining the dinner will be at own cost.)
Guidelines for participation
Participation in the form of 20-minute presentations are welcome. The contents should promote positive cross-disciplinary interaction, exposing concrete opportunities. After the meeting, the presentation files will be made publicly available on the meeting?fs website. A title, contact details (name, job title, affiliation, postal and e-mail address) and an abstract of 150 words, briefly describing the contents, should be submitted to aim2005@ae.itb.ac.id (subject: participation) no later than June 24, 2005. Language: Indonesian or English.
Host, date and venue
ITB?fs Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics,
July 27-28, 2005, Jl.Ganesha 10, Bandung
Send an e-mail with name, job title, affiliation, postal and e-mail address to aim2005@ae.itb.ac.id (subject: registration). No fee is required, but space is limited.
Deadline: July 1, 2005.
Secretariat Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, ITB,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62.(0)22.250-4529
e-mail: aim2005@ae.itb.ac.id
- Bambang K. Hadi (bkhadi@ae.itb.ac.id)
Head, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Bandung Institute of Technology ITB, Indonesia
- Bambang I. Soemarwoto (soemarwt@nlr.nl)
Senior scientist, Department of Flight Physics & Loads
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, The Netherlands
Aerospace Indonesia Meeting 2005
Without doubt, one may assert that for Indonesian people the 1997 Asian crisis was the beginning of not just a time of sacrifice and hardship, but also an era of challenge in a new course of development towards justice and prosperity. The situation for the aerospace sector was no exception. Now, 8 years later, the momentum seems to be picking up. It is more than timely to revive contacts, exchange diverse experience and ideas, and identify concrete mutual opportunities in the increasingly global character of aerospace business. The meeting is a bottom-up initiative to provide an open platform for demand-and-supply-driven networking accross the country, the region, and the world.
The meeting is intended for all professionals interested in all aspects during the life-cycle of aerospace systems, vehicles and platforms:
- research, development and marketing,
- manufacturing and production,
- operation and sales,
- maintenance and support, etc.
People from aerospace industries, airlines, airport authorities, MRO companies, universities, engineering bureaus, investment companies, governmental and non-governmental agencies, and research institutes are more than welcome to participate.
- Invited presentations
- Presentations from participants
- Excursion
- Round-table discussion & wrap-up meeting
(Coffee breaks & lunches are provided. On the evening of July 27, 2005, a dinner together will be arranged. Joining the dinner will be at own cost.)
Guidelines for participation
Participation in the form of 20-minute presentations are welcome. The contents should promote positive cross-disciplinary interaction, exposing concrete opportunities. After the meeting, the presentation files will be made publicly available on the meeting?fs website. A title, contact details (name, job title, affiliation, postal and e-mail address) and an abstract of 150 words, briefly describing the contents, should be submitted to aim2005@ae.itb.ac.id (subject: participation) no later than June 24, 2005. Language: Indonesian or English.
Host, date and venue
ITB?fs Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics,
July 27-28, 2005, Jl.Ganesha 10, Bandung
Send an e-mail with name, job title, affiliation, postal and e-mail address to aim2005@ae.itb.ac.id (subject: registration). No fee is required, but space is limited.
Deadline: July 1, 2005.
Secretariat Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, ITB,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62.(0)22.250-4529
e-mail: aim2005@ae.itb.ac.id
- Bambang K. Hadi (bkhadi@ae.itb.ac.id)
Head, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Bandung Institute of Technology ITB, Indonesia
- Bambang I. Soemarwoto (soemarwt@nlr.nl)
Senior scientist, Department of Flight Physics & Loads
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, The Netherlands
Ngeblog di MIT
Punya blog di kampus MIT keren ga seh??? Hari ini seorang teman ngasih tau kalau MIT buka lowongan buat para blogger (maksudnya MIT sekarang punya blog services yang bisa dicoba) maka saya coba sign-up di sana and sukses.
Blog yang di MIT ini saya dedikasikan untuk pelajaran english saya. Kalau selama ini di sini saya selalu posting tulisan dengan bahasa Indonesia, di MIT's Blog saya akan diisi dengan tulisan bahasa inggris. Kayaknya bakal berat, tapi kudu dicoba.
oyah my blog @MIT alamatnya http://blogs.mit.edu/ech
Mampir yaa..
Blog yang di MIT ini saya dedikasikan untuk pelajaran english saya. Kalau selama ini di sini saya selalu posting tulisan dengan bahasa Indonesia, di MIT's Blog saya akan diisi dengan tulisan bahasa inggris. Kayaknya bakal berat, tapi kudu dicoba.
oyah my blog @MIT alamatnya http://blogs.mit.edu/ech
Mampir yaa..
21 Juni 2005
A dry breeze is blowing
The city is getting cold
I wonder how many seasons have passed
without even a sound?
All of the people coming and going
bear heavy burdens,
searching for tomorrow
within the heat haze
wavering in the distance.
Feelings like sand
falling through my hands...
Back then, the words that pierced my heart
suddenly started to throb with pain, but...
I've searched for pieces of myself,
counting the endless nights all the while.
These feelings are becoming so certain
I almost lose myself.
Now, surely I will walk forward, however far.
I wonder where the birds are flying off to,
as they freely slice through the wind?
One can't return to the same place
as it once was in days gone by.
Even if I give up my dream like this,
I won't suppress my soaring heartbeat.
Someday, I want to reach
as high as the clouds.
I'll spread my heart and journey once again
I will reach it, without fail.
The city is getting cold
I wonder how many seasons have passed
without even a sound?
All of the people coming and going
bear heavy burdens,
searching for tomorrow
within the heat haze
wavering in the distance.
Feelings like sand
falling through my hands...
Back then, the words that pierced my heart
suddenly started to throb with pain, but...
I've searched for pieces of myself,
counting the endless nights all the while.
These feelings are becoming so certain
I almost lose myself.
Now, surely I will walk forward, however far.
I wonder where the birds are flying off to,
as they freely slice through the wind?
One can't return to the same place
as it once was in days gone by.
Even if I give up my dream like this,
I won't suppress my soaring heartbeat.
Someday, I want to reach
as high as the clouds.
I'll spread my heart and journey once again
I will reach it, without fail.
18 Juni 2005
Remove Blogger NavBar
Salah satu hal yang saya suka dari Blogger adalah: free Ads .Tidak ada iklan, pop-up windows atau banner berkelap-kelip di blog kita. Semoga akan begini terus untuk selamanya.
Namun ada sedikit ganjalan. Blogger NavBar di bagian atas itu secara default selalu muncul (balok biru di bagian atas). Walaupun bukan iklan dan sedikit berguna untuk beselancar ke blog lain yang dipilih secara random namun saya tidak merasa "sreg". Saya pikir inilah bayaran menggunakan layanan blogger yang gratis.
Tapi ternyata NavBar tersebut bisa di remove tuh. Gimana cara? Ternyata mudah saja. Dan sekarang Blog ini sudah bebas dari NavBar.
Namun ada sedikit ganjalan. Blogger NavBar di bagian atas itu secara default selalu muncul (balok biru di bagian atas). Walaupun bukan iklan dan sedikit berguna untuk beselancar ke blog lain yang dipilih secara random namun saya tidak merasa "sreg". Saya pikir inilah bayaran menggunakan layanan blogger yang gratis.
Tapi ternyata NavBar tersebut bisa di remove tuh. Gimana cara? Ternyata mudah saja. Dan sekarang Blog ini sudah bebas dari NavBar.
15 Juni 2005
Which Guru Are You
Wah.. wah.. sebenernya saya belom pantes menyandang status "Guru" tapi mengisi kuis "Which Guru Are You" saya adalah Andy Budd. Hoho..ho...
14 Juni 2005
Kena Petir (lagi)
Untuk kedua kalinya komputer saya kena petir setelah desember lalu. Malam ini sekitar jam sembilan (baru saja pulang dari cikampek) tiba2 petir menyambar menyebabkan listrik di rumah langsung mati. Komputer saat itu dalam kondisi mati dan saya pikir tidak ada masalah toh, line telpon sudah di cabut dari tadi pagi. Pagi ini ketika saya hendak pakai komputer, komputer sama sekali tidak bisa nyala alias mati total. setelah saya cek, masalah di PSU. Setelah ganti PSU (pakai kompie cadangan) alhamdulillah bisa pakai lagi.
Tapi yaa.... kudu beli PSU baru....
Tapi yaa.... kudu beli PSU baru....
08 Juni 2005
Kutukan Nabi Adam
Seorang professor bernama Bryan Sykes menulis sebuah buku berjudul "Adam's Curse: A Story of Sex, Genetics, and the Extinction of Men" yang pada intinya adalah sebuah hipotesis bahwa suatu saat nati makhluk bernama lelaki akan punah. Bryan Sykes percaya bahwa jumlah sperma "Y" (sperma pembawa sifat jenis kelamin laki-laki) lambat laun secara turun menurun akan berkurang dan akan menghilang setelah generasi ke 5000 (kita ini keturunan nabi adam yang keberapa yah?)
Benar atau tidak teori ini, wallahu a'lam. Tapi saya teringat hadits nabi yang mengatakan bahwa di akhir zaman nanti rasio laki-laki berbanding perempuan adalah 1:40 yang artinya mahluk bernama lelaki akan menjadi mahluk langka, sebagaimana yang di perkirakan oleh Sykes.
Saya belum beli atau membaca buku ini, ga bisa komentar banyak. Namun jika teori ini benar, ini akan menjadi bukti bahwa suatu hari nanti manusia akan punah juga walaupun kiamat tidak terjadi (woy, manusia... jangan sombong...) Namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan bahwa "kutukan" ini akan teratasi oleh kemajuan ilmu kedokteran di masa depan. Kita lihat saja.
references: wikipedia
Benar atau tidak teori ini, wallahu a'lam. Tapi saya teringat hadits nabi yang mengatakan bahwa di akhir zaman nanti rasio laki-laki berbanding perempuan adalah 1:40 yang artinya mahluk bernama lelaki akan menjadi mahluk langka, sebagaimana yang di perkirakan oleh Sykes.
Saya belum beli atau membaca buku ini, ga bisa komentar banyak. Namun jika teori ini benar, ini akan menjadi bukti bahwa suatu hari nanti manusia akan punah juga walaupun kiamat tidak terjadi (woy, manusia... jangan sombong...) Namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan bahwa "kutukan" ini akan teratasi oleh kemajuan ilmu kedokteran di masa depan. Kita lihat saja.
references: wikipedia
02 Juni 2005
Classical IQ Score
Nyobain Classic test IQ . Sebenernya saya merasa agak kurang puas dengan jawaban saya terutama bagian verbal, karena test menggunakan bahasa inggris. Saya tidak begitu yakin idiom-idiom bahasa inggris yang dijadikan pilihan, benar-benar saya pahami (harap maklum, ga jago bahasa inggris). Hasilnya, saya di kategorikan "Visual Mathematician". Well.. well.. Lumayan lah. However Berikut ini hasilnya:
ech, your IQ score is 129 :Visual Mathematician
ech, your IQ score is significantly above average. Congratulations! You have a wide range of exceptional skills which are much stronger than those of the average population. You are also skilled at answering the types of questions that are asked in a classic IQ test. The test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. Even though you have high scores in all of those areas, we are able to analyse your results to discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.
You have a strong ability to process visual-spatial and mathematical information. These skills combined with your strengths in logic are what make you a Visual Mathematician.
You're able to understand patterns visually and in numbers. That means your mind can create a mental picture for any problem. In addition to that skill, you possess an intelligence that allows you to apply maths to that picture, too. That helps you manipulate multiple parts of the picture (or problem) to come up with a solution. You have many skills that are critical to success and problem-solving. Your talents help you understand the "big picture," which is partly why people may turn to you for direction -- especially in the workplace. You flourish in environments where tasks are clearly defined, and you excel at improving processes and making things more efficient. Like Einstein, your ability to detect patterns and your skills in maths and logic, make it natural for you to come up with ideas and theories that simplify processes for everyone.
Berapa IQ kamu punya? :)
ech, your IQ score is 129 :Visual Mathematician
ech, your IQ score is significantly above average. Congratulations! You have a wide range of exceptional skills which are much stronger than those of the average population. You are also skilled at answering the types of questions that are asked in a classic IQ test. The test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. Even though you have high scores in all of those areas, we are able to analyse your results to discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.
You have a strong ability to process visual-spatial and mathematical information. These skills combined with your strengths in logic are what make you a Visual Mathematician.
You're able to understand patterns visually and in numbers. That means your mind can create a mental picture for any problem. In addition to that skill, you possess an intelligence that allows you to apply maths to that picture, too. That helps you manipulate multiple parts of the picture (or problem) to come up with a solution. You have many skills that are critical to success and problem-solving. Your talents help you understand the "big picture," which is partly why people may turn to you for direction -- especially in the workplace. You flourish in environments where tasks are clearly defined, and you excel at improving processes and making things more efficient. Like Einstein, your ability to detect patterns and your skills in maths and logic, make it natural for you to come up with ideas and theories that simplify processes for everyone.
Berapa IQ kamu punya? :)
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